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Massage Therapist: Sable, LMT
Service:New Client Massage with Sable, (60 min) change

Never been to Bliss? Need to restore your body? - Your first appointment is $75. For new clients who have never had an appointment at Bliss, we offer a one hour (60 minute) appointment for a first-time price of $75. Not a deep tissue massage. The appointment includes a chance to answer your questions about massage, massage work on the table and time to return to your day. The session is tailored to you. It can be full body wellness work or be focused on one area of the body such as neck and shoulders. The length of time on the table will depend on how much consultation work is needed and issues to address.  Cost: $75 plus tax. On-going price is $85/hour or $69/hour with monthly subscription.

Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (EDT)