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Massage Therapist: Sable, LMT
Service:Hot Stone Massage (90 min) change

This 90 minute appointment is offered with Balsalt stones that have been smoothed on every side and designed to glide over your skin in the practioner's hands. Experience the feeling of warm stones on your back, but over the sheet. As trained professionals, we know hot stones are not meant to rest on your skin. The stones over the sheet and under the top cover will warm the layers of tissue as the practitioner starts at your feet and legs. Over 50 stones are available so the practitioner can tailor the size to each part of your body. The smallest stones are the size of coins and slipped between your toes as your legs are massaged. Larger stones are placed under your shoulder blades and on your low back to release trigger points and common areas of muscle tightness. Talk to your practitioner about preferences of placement and size of stones. A service that is a cornerstone of a self-care program.

Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (EDT)